Wholecloth Quilts with Handi Quilter Ambassador Lynda Jackson - October 2021

Wholecloth Quilts Ambassador Event Workshop

In October 2021 we ran two 4-day Ambassador Events with our Handi Quilter Ambassador and Educator Lynda Jackson at our Pinhole Quilting Showroom near Pershore, Worcestershire. 

We've posted some of the results on the private Facebook pages for attendees of our Ambassador Event Workshops in October 2021 but we wanted to share some of the progress and results on our Blog Post too. 

Our Ambassador Event Week 2 Participants

We feel proud to be able to offer world class Ambassadors and Educators right here in the UK. Covid has brought the problems of travel into sharp focus and while Zoom has been a useful tool for many of us there is no substitute for the hands on kind of event that we knew that we wanted to run here in the UK.

We know that many of our customers were so disappointed when our 2020 Pinhole Quilting Academy was cancelled. On that event we were due to have Handi Quilter Ambassadors from the UK, South Africa and Australia and it was designed to be a level up from our 2018 event (you can find more about our 2018 Academy on our 2018  Blog Post ). Our ambition was to run something similar here in the UK in 2021 on a smaller scale and we have the calibre of person we needed in the form of Lynda Jackson, Handi Quilter Ambassador and Educator. 

Lynda at the 2019 Harrogate Show

Lynda's specialty is in Wholecloth Quilting which uses thread to create the incredible effects and colour changes that you see. We don't believe that there is anywhere else in the world that could run the combination of the design and the hands on workshops that we provide at Pinhole Quilting with one Handi Quilter longarm machine per customer at the level of teaching that Lynda offers. Lynda won "Best in World" at the Mancuso World Quilt Show with her Quilt Silver Linings.

Silver Linings

You can read more about Lynda on both our website and on Handi Quilter Corporate website.

She also has a great ability to know where and when she has acquired different quilting styles, attributing their origins in a way that many quilters either can't or don't. There's a reference and depth of knowledge of history of machine quilting and appreciation of others work.

Much of what Lynda does is innate but it's learned from being at the quilting machine. It doesn't come from watching others but of "do-ing". 

There is also a generosity of knowledge in the classroom. We really appreciate having access to this level of teaching here in the UK.

Our 4-day Ambassador Event

So, here is a roundup of some of our favourite photos from second of our 4-day Workshops.


And to keep your energy up..

It's important to ensure you have nice food while you're away so we have buffet lunches catered by Pershore Deli. For the Full Immersion Students we have the evening meal option - two nights at The Vale Golf and Country Club with a private dining room, one night at the Flyford (Worcestershire Pub of the Year 2021) and one night at Belle House Benvenuti in Pershore which was also private dining which was just as well on both occasions as I don't think the rest of the restaurant needed to hear either Lynda's recounting of her police career or the Teresa May sketch. It did mean that everyone relaxed and we weren't mixing with so many people.

Buffet Lunch

Dinner at The Vale Golf and Country Club

Transferring the Designs to Fabric

After two days of design, feathers and thread play followed by Wholecloth Design work it was time to transfer the wholecloth design onto the fabric and start stitching. There are various methods for doing this using lightboxes, grids, etc.

Stitching Out

The final day was stitching out the wholecloth designs and most of the students results were held up at the final Gala Dinner at the Vale Golf and Country Club!

We like to see the back as well as the front as sometimes the front, with the blue lines is less attractive at this intermediate stage.

Marlene and Nicky










Over the period of the four days we saw not only stitching progress but a huge number of techniques were learned. In conversations and questions, talking with each other and questions while drawing in that iterative process is happening you almost don't realise how much you are absorbing.

Then there's the laughter...so much laughter.  We set up a private Facebook group for our workshops and as they say, what happens on workshops, stays on the workshops... but hopefully you'll understand by joining us!

And finally..our Week One favourites...

Our Workshops will resume in March 2022.

Our next Academy will be announced through our email newsletters. 
Priority will be given to Handi Quilter Owners.


  1. Fabulous teachers, set up and students = fabulous results! Congrats to all on such huge successes!!!

    1. Thank you! I'll be posting some of the completed quilts on our Pinhole Quilting Facebook page. Lynda, Pete and I are thrilled at the results.


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